By using this site, you acknowledge that you agree to these Terms of Use which are in compliance with the Privacy Policy governing the relationship with Mnahel . If you disagree with them, please do not use the site. br>Mnahel owns the intellectual property rights and materials contained on the site, and all rights are reserved. The ownership of copyrights, trademarks, design rights, patents and other intellectual property rights (registered and unregistered) in and on the site is solely for Mnahel. br> Neither of these conditions grants you the right or license to use any trademark, design or copyrights owned or controlled by Mnahel or any other party except as expressly provided in the Terms.
Terms of Use and Rights
We reserve the right to change the terms of this Agreement and we will give you notice if we do so, and agree that such changes will not be retroactive. If you do not agree with these changes, you must stop using the products.
The things that are agreed to be adhered to are:1-
You are responsible for anything that happens through your account unless you close it or report abuse. If you sign up for any of our paid products, you agree not to refund the final product subscription fee and also agree to use our site and e-mail to send you important notices.
These rights are determined in the following ways:2-
You agree that we may access, store and use any information you provide in accordance with the terms of User Agreement and your Privacy Settings by submitting suggestions or other opinions regarding our Products in Mnahel .
Registration and use of Mnahel platform from any Web site, application, or services belongs to Mnahel related to this User Agreement are the consent of the following Terms, and you agree to disclose true and correct information as required in the registration fields of Mnahel Site. If you do not agree, please do not register or give any personal information to the platform.
• If you disclose inaccurate, incorrect, incomplete, or inconsistent information with the User Agreement terms, Mnahel Platform has the full right to terminate, limit or cancel your subscription and account, without prejudice to the rights of the other Mnahel platform rights in orderto recover its rights.
Mnahel platform is not responsible for other sites or applications - use them at your own risk. We reserve the right to determine how you communicate and interact with our products only. Mnahel platform reserves the right to restrict, suspend or terminate your account if it believes that you have violated this agreement or violated the law or that you misuse the products. 4- There are no third parties or other parties benefiting from this agreement.5- Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, privacy laws, intellectual property laws and providing accurate information to us is a must. 6- Violation of the intellectual property rights of Mnahel site, including, but not limited to, the use of web page names, trademarks, e-mail or URL.7- Copy or use information, content or data on Mnahel platform related to a competitive service.8- Copy derivative works from our platform or products, or any related technology, modify or create them (except what we stated in our platform as anexplicit service).9- Reverse engineering may not be performed to the software source code or any related technology, or any part thereof, or to cancel, translate, decompile, decrypt or attempt to derive it in any other way; or to express, implicitly or explicitly, that you belong to one of our platform pages or that it endorses you without an explicit consent.10- It is not permissible to rent, sell or lend Mnahel services.11- Any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices contained in or on a product may not be removed.12- No information obtained from our platform may be collected, used, copied, or transmitted without the consent of Mnahel .13- Bots or other automated methods may not be used to access the Services, add or download contacts, send or redirect messages, or monitor the availability, performance or functionality of the products and services for any competitive purposes.14- The contents collected on the Site areits exclusive property and its rights are reserved to Mnahel platform and are protected by reserved copyrights, trademarks, and intellectual property rights.15- Mnahel platform does not guarantee repairing of glitches and does not guarantee that the site is free from viruses and other objects that may harm users. The nature of communication over the Internet is that the information in it is liable to enter and spoil it and cause delay. From time to time, the site may be subject to non-availability due to repairing, maintenance and development.16- If the User Agreement is translated into any other non-Arabic language, either on the site or in other ways, the Arabic text remains the prevailing and applicable content and the solution is not to continue using it. Furthermore, you agree that any unauthorized use of the site and its services will cause the site to be compromised, and the site will then have to resort to the terms and conditions of the user agreement, including the deletion of your account.17-
Security and Privacy DataMnahel platform is committed to respecting the privacy and confidentiality of visitors and subscribers, so Mnahel has developed a security and privacy document to inform users of current practices in managing information on Mnahel e-platform. These practices are governed by a set of laws that spell out various ways and methods we collect the personal information of users Mnahel platform and how it is collected and used. Therefore, all those wishing to use Mnahel platform must read the terms carefully and responsibly and understand them. Please communicate with us by e-mail on page “Contact Us” Any information provided on Mnahel platform, collected from the user via the Internet or mobile and tablet services, or web pages, such as the information required when registering for a user account or when entering into transactions through the site, which may include (for example But not limited to: name, contact information, country, children's information and methods of payment; collectively as "personal information" and any reference to "we" and "us" is referring to Mnahel platform. While providing the service, we collect information about your use of the service, as well as any information you submit to the service, such as answers to questions. In addition, we may ask you for personal information at other times, such as when you contact the technical support team, send us an email, complete a user survey, or communicate with Mnahel platform.
How does Mnahel protect your information?The security of your personal information is very important to us. We have implemented a variety of physical, administrative and technological safeguards designed to maintain the integrity and security of the personal information we collect and protect against unauthorized access to data. These include internal audits of data collection, storage, processing and security measures, as well as physical security measures to protect against unauthorized access to systems where personal data is stored. We restrict access to the personal information of Mnahel employees or other parties who need to know this information in order to operate, develop or improve our services. Our employees may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination, if they fail to meet their privacy and confidentiality obligations. However, any security system can be compromised - and for this reason, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information. If personal information is compromised under our control as a result of a breach of security, we will take important steps to investigate the situation and take all steps required by applicable laws and regulations. Maintaining the security of your personal information also requires your cooperation and participation. To protect you, remember to sign out of all accounts before you close your browser. The sign-out link is available on most of Mnahel website pages. After signing out, be sure to close all browser windows. Also, do not use the “Remember” feature if you're signing in to your account from a computer that other people can access to ensure that others cannot access your personal information if you share a computer with another person or use a public computer. Please keep your password secure. If you have forgotten your password, you can request a new password. See “Help Center”. A new password will be sent to the registered email address. For all other problems in logging into Mnahel site, please contact our technical support team on the page “Contact Us” If you have any concerns about the security of your account or security of the service, we ask that you immediately notify us of your concern by sending an email to Although we're unable to respond to all security concerns, we appreciate your feedback and we will take all the concerns that have been reported seriously. What information does Mnahel platform collect from you?
Mnahel platform collects information in several ways from different parts of the service. Parent and Child Information When a parent or guardian registers in an account on our platform or products, we may collect personal information such as name, email address, username and password. We may also collect information about the learner / learners authorized by their parent to use the service through his account, including the profile name of the selected user and choosing a profile image. Each dependent user profile must be associated with the parent account, and learners cannot access the service without parental registration first. How does Mnahel platform use the information it collects? Mnahel platform uses the information it collects for the following purposes: To provide service maintenance We use the information we collect to provide you with the service. For example, we need to use your information to process payments, determine the educational level of learners, coordinate parents 'and learners' accounts with information and reports on learner performance and product use, respond to queries and provide support to subscribers. To improve, customize and develop the service We use information to customize content and information we may send or display to users, to provide personalized content and instructions, and to personalize your experience while using the service, including on different devices that you may use to access the service. We collect statistics to understand how users access and use the service better, monitor the effectiveness of our service, detect usage patterns, diagnose or repair technical problems. We also use information to demonstrate the effectiveness of the service, conduct research, develop, support and improve our services, products and other educational services. To communicate with you We use your information to provide transaction notifications for certain activities related to your use of our Services. For example, we may send email notifications when the user completes an activity, or offers a payment receipt or other subscription notifications. From time to time, we may send promotional or periodic mailing messages to parents. We do not use learner data to send marketing communications, nor send marketing messages to learners or children. You can unsubscribe from certain communications (such as marketing or certain notifications about your use of the service) by following the opt-out instructions in the email. How to control e-mail connections From time to time, Mnahel may send you email regarding offers and updates on the site, or use of our products and services. Only Mnahel will send you these emails. You can choose not to receive these emails by sending an email to How to access, update, or delete your personal information You can edit your account information at any time by signing in to your account, editing your information in your profile box, and selecting your profile and settings. We recommend that you periodically review your personal information to ensure that it is accurate, complete and up-to-date. If you do not provide and maintain accurate contact information for your account, we may not be able to provide you with the notices stipulated in this Privacy Policy. Kindly see “Help Center” For more instructions on deleting or deactivating your account or deleting your personal information;when you delete or not specify account information, some remaining information may maintain in our archive records, such as customer, technical support, invoices, and tax purposes. How long does Mnahel keep your information?
We retain personal information as long as necessary to provide the Service and for our internal business purposes, which may extend beyond the termination or cancellation of your subscription or your User Account. For example, we may retain certain data where necessary to prevent fraud or future abuse, record keeping, or other legitimate business purposes, or if required by law. We do not intentionally retain learner information after the subscription period has ended, and we do not delete or cancel any student's information from an active learner account until after the deletion request is submitted by the parent. Also, we may not be able to delete all information immediately or completely in all cases, such as information stored in technical support records, customer service records, backup copies, and other business records.
Policy UpdatesIn its sole discretion, Mnahel may modify or update this policy from time to time, which will be reflected in the "Last Modified Date" below. If we change this policy in a material way, we will do our best to notify you of the changes by posting a notice on our site. Your continued use of the services after the effective date of this update constitutes your acceptance of the modified policy. If you do not agree to any of the terms of this policy or any future terms in a future review of this policy, do not use the site or attempt to access the site services.
Collection and use of electronic informationWhen you visit our site, we will not take your personal information unless you choose to receive any of our products or electronic services. For transactions that require the use of credit cards, the systems adopt highly developed protection protocols to ensure the confidentiality and security of information and systems.
TerminationThis agreement shall be in effect until the expiry of the subscription period. You may terminate this agreement at any time by sending an email to And the destruction of all materials obtained from the website and all related documents and all copies and related materials, whether they are issued under the terms of this agreement or otherwise. This agreement will terminate immediately without prior notice by Mnahel if we find that you have failed to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, or if you repeatedly violate the rights of any third party, or if you engage in illegal or tortuous behavior or interfere with the technological process of this site. Upon termination, you must destroy all materials obtained from the website and all related copies, whether in the terms of this agreement or otherwise.
You hereby agree to be bound by all laws that apply or may apply to your use of the site or activities on Mnahel website and any special behavioral systems or using special features and / or services provided which may be placed on Mnahel website, These or other, from time to time.